8 tips for starting a new job Website Blog


A new job is an exciting opportunity, but it doesn’t come without its challenges. New routines, new responsibilities, a new working environment and a whole bunch of people you haven’t met before. That’s a lot to take on! In some organisations, there may be a structured onboarding process, but in others you’ll likely be diving in at the deep end. Either way, you’re on a steep learning curve.

Here are 8 tips for starting a new job that should help those first few weeks go more smoothly.

If you’re leaving a previous role, try to arrange a couple of weeks off before you start in your new position. There’s nothing like a little ‘you time’ for getting organised and recharging those batteries so you have energy and enthusiasm on day one.

Reach out to HR or your hiring manager a couple of weeks before your start date to ask where you need to be and when, and what you need to bring with you on your first day. You may also find it useful to get a feel for the company dress code by checking out their social media posts and website.

Test drive your commute to work so you know what to expect and where to park. On your first day, you may find it useful to leave additional time to arrive so you’re not a bag of nerves when you get held up at every red light on the way.

You may have the opportunity to e-meet your team and other key people in the business before you start. This can be a great way to put names to faces in advance. Otherwise, ask your hiring manager for a tour on day one so you can introduce yourself – and get your bearings.

However experienced you are, there is always plenty to learn when you start a new role. Where possible, take the initiative to research and find answers yourself. Otherwise, ask for help and guidance, listen, take notes and you’ll soon be operating with your usual confidence and autonomy.

Show some flexibility with time and tasks but ensure you manage expectations early on. If you always turn up early, leave after everyone else, say ‘yes’ to everything and answer your manager’s emails at the weekend, you are creating precedents that will be difficult to break.

A buddy or mentor can support your transition to a new role in a new organisation, especially if you find someone you really connect with. If there is no official buddy system in place, why not set up an informal arrangement? This could be as simple as organising regular coffee chats with a trusted co-worker.

It’s important to find out how you are getting on in your role early on. So, ask for feedback from your manager. What is going well? What do you need to improve on? Being proactive gives you a chance to tweak your approach and develop the skills you need to succeed.

Yes, starting a new job can be a big undertaking. But with a little advance planning, healthy interactions in the workplace and the willingness to learn, you’ll soon be settled – and perhaps showing others the ropes, too.

If you’re looking to transition to an exciting new role, contact the expert team at Optimal Recruitment on info@optimalrecruitment.com.au or 02 8416 4181.