Entries by julie

What Questions should you ask in your interview?…

So, you have made it to interview stage, congratulations! Now you face the minefield of negating the ‘right questions’ to ask when you are there. The opportunity for you to ask questions in the interview is your chance to get a sense of what it might be like to work for this company. We strongly […]

Dress for Success – Tips from the Optimal Recruitment Team

We have all heard the expression, ‘First Impressions last’ well this is very true especially at interview stage. You have made it this far through the recruitment process so don’t throw away your chance on poor outfit choice! It can be hard to know what to wear for your interview when in doubt, we say […]

10 Great Questions to Ask Candidates at Interview

You’ve screened the resumes and come up with a shortlist of applicants who can all do the job…on paper at least. So, how do you decide which candidate is ‘the one’? Interviews can provide employers with valuable information about an individual’s skills, motivation, achievements and cultural fit. Especially if you ask the right questions and […]

Will Your Gap Year Leave a Gaping Hole in Your Career Path?

Gap years have become an increasingly popular option among high school leavers in Australia. According to research by the National Centre for Vocational Education Research, around 20% of students who complete high school opt to take a gap year before they go on to further education. Benefits of taking time out from study (and away […]

Hobbies – Should You Use Them or Lose Them on a Résumé?

Jacqueline Fink of Little Dandelion in Balgowlah is an extreme knitter, as you may have read recently. She uses giant knitting needles and balls of wool to create a range of stunning knits, including blankets, throws and wall hangings. And social media has spread the love for her beautiful craftwork, spawning a whole community of […]

How to be an effective mentor in the workplace

Mentors have existed since time immemorial. Many claim that the word derives from the name of a character in The Odyssey, an ancient Greek epic poem that was probably composed around 700BC. The elderly Mentor was a great friend of Odysseus and trusted advisor to his young son Telemachus. Similarly, today mentors are often senior […]

What NOT to do, to get that job

With so much advice, tips and information out there on how to land your dream job I am feeling stressed from the sheer volume of what I need to know and I haven’t even interviewed yet. We have put our heads together in the office and come up with a list of what NOT to […]

Do Employers Really Look at Social Media Before Hiring?

Social networking sites like LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter have become part of our everyday lives. They are a great way to share information, ideas and images, but what you are telling the world about yourself each time you post? If a recruiter were to take a look at your timeline, what might they think? According […]

How to Write a Winning Job Description – Tips and Template

When was the last time you sat down and updated job descriptions in your organisation? For many managers, this activity may not be very high on your priority list, but it should be! Well-written, up-to-date job descriptions (JDs) can be incredibly useful documents for setting and managing expectations in many areas, including: Recruitment: Whether you […]

Are You Ready for the New National Minimum Wage?

From 1 July 2019, the new national minimum wage (NMW) will be $740.80 per week or $19.49 per hour – an increase of 3.0%. A significant number of workers stand to benefit from the change. Currently around 2.2 million employees in Australia are paid the NMW or a modern award minimum wage, which is also […]