About julie
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But we are proud to say that julie contributed 105 entries already.
Entries by julie
GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE CORONAVIRUS What is the coronavirus (COVID-19)? The coronavirus is a virus that can pass from one person to another. It causes a respiratory illness called COVID-19. The first cases were reported in December 2019 in China, but people in many countries around the world are now affected. What are the symptoms? […]
The Gig Economy: Who is the Real Winner?
A recent article in The Wall Street Journal about the #ChangingWorkplace provoked a flurry of posts and comments on LinkedIn. The upshot of the article was that, today, workers in the US are working more for less. In 2016, 26% of Americans reported that they worked in excess of 48 hours per week, but, increasingly, […]
How to resign from your job! Tips and Template
How exciting, you have just been offered and accepted a new Job YAY! Congratulations!!! Then you remember you now must resign from your current job ugh yuk…. At Optimal Recruitment we believe how you conduct yourself at this stage is very important. We understand you may just want to leave today but you don’t want […]
5 Tips for Landing Your First Job
So many jobs, so many companies, sooo many choices! Being a newbie in the job market can be a daunting experience. Where do you start when you’ve never had to navigate job applications, interviews and assessments before? Right here! Our recruitment experts have put together five top tips to help you find and land your […]
Successful Resume Writing – Starting From Scratch: Our Top Ten Tips
Aaargh! You’ve been putting it off for weeks. Writing that pesky first resume. Don’t despair! Follow our top ten tips below and you’ll be one step closer to securing your dream job. Keep It Simple So, you might want to experiment with font and colour. Great if you are a wannabee graphic designer. If not, […]
10 Ways to Promote Your Health and Wellness at Work
Are long working hours getting you down? It’s more than likely. New research by the Australian National University (ANU) has found that people who work more than 39 hours a week are endangering their health. Around two out of three Australians in full-time employment work more than 40 hours a week. Often that’s before unpaid […]
Is Your Whistleblower Policy Ready?
Starting on 1 January 2020, public companies, large proprietary companies and trustees of registrable superannuation entities will be required to have a whistle-blower policy in place. This is part of a move to ensure greater protections for whistle-blowers under the Corporations Act 2001. Money laundering, fraud, financial irregularities, criminal damage against property – these are […]
How to Get the Pay Rise You Deserve
You’ve been in your job for a couple of years and you’re thriving. You’re smashing all your targets, and ticking all the boxes in your performance appraisals, but your success is not reflected in your pay package. Rather than threatening to down tools unless you receive more $$$ on the spot, hang in there and […]

Optimal Recruitment
Optimal Recruitment specialises in sourcing, screening, interviewing and shortlisting candidates for temporary and permanent roles on Sydney’s Northern Beaches, Sydney, NSW and Interstate. We deliver recruitment solutions on time and on budget.
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Optimal Recruitment
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307 /20 Dale Street, Brookvale NSW 2100
02 8416 4181
Our offices are a 400m walk from the BLine bus stop at Warringah Mall