Keep Moving Forward – Why you should Hire a Casual / Temp


What a strange start to the year, what with bushfires, floods and now Covid19 – is it 2021 yet?

Life is never easy, and as we all come to grasps of our new reality be it working from home or in the office with social distancing measures in place; life as we know it has well and truly changed for all of us.

Here at Optimal Recruitment we are business as usual and the most important thing for our team, our clients and our job seekers is to keep moving forward.  Many of our valued clients have recently placed a hiring freeze on the roles they were actively looking to fill.  While many of our clients remain open; albeit working from home or working in a different way to just 6 weeks ago; the skill gap remains. Teams are now even more under the pump as hours may have been reduced as some staff are juggling full time work with home-schooling.

Now you say Hiring Freeze…

Have you considered taking on a Temp / Casual for the time being, instead of a permanent employee?

  • There is NO notice period. We can work together around this however if you want 3 hours’ notice than that is fine, we can write that in the contract for you.
  • Access to new skills, casual hire does not need to be just admin staff. Are you lacking expertise somewhere in your team? A casual hire can help you out on critical projects, bring in fresh ideas – maybe now is the ideal time to get your marketing strategy right.
  • Provides you with flexibility. You might not need someone 40 hours per week so let the casual fill in your gaps – under most of the Awards a casual has a minimum of 3 hours per day.
  • A fantastic way to try before you buy. 6 weeks ago you wanted to offer this great candidate full time work but now the boss is saying NO, well take him/her on as a casual and not only do you get their skill set, you can see how you work together and you could offer a temp to perm position once we hit more stable times.
  • It could save you money. Casuals may do less hours than a permanent placement and you are not paying sick leave, holiday pay etc
  • Hiring a casual may boost morale in the team. Your current employees may be feeling stressed about the current situation; their workloads may have increased and juggling homelife and work and not being able to escape while we are lockdown can take its toll. By spreading the workload this could help the team adjust to this ‘new’ work situation we are all faced with.

We understand how we use to work has probably changed forever. Optimal Recruitment is committed to helping you get the best staff for you right now.

How will we do this?

  • Interviews

Face to face interviews are in the past however we can help you get set up Zoom, WhatsApp / Skype even house Party.

  • On-boarding

The team at Optimal Recruitment is happy to pick up laptops, passes etc to provide to the new casual/ temp to help minimise contact

  • Pre-requisite Health Check for our casuals / temp staff

We will ensure if our casual worker is to be on site that they have not travelled overseas in the last 3 months

We will ensure the casual is willing to go for a medical check / coronavirus check-up if deemed relevant. ( We are aware that current team members may not feel comfortable working in close proximity to new hires as they may put themselves and their families at risk) we understand this and we hope these measures will go a little way in easing the teams concerns.

  • Skill Check

Did you know that we have access to thousands of skills tests?  We will test the candidates in the areas required eliminating time spent on skill training as you will know where the gaps lie – we will share the results with you.

We can test by job function: Accounting, Admin / Clerical, Call Centre, Customer Service, Engineering, finance, HR, Healthcare, Hospitality, IT, Industrial / Warehouse, Legal, Management /Leadership / Marketing, Sales

There is so much talent available in the market today. Unfortunately, many, many people have lost their jobs; not only will you be able to help someone find employment; you may just bag yourself the best employee. With a skill set that you had no chance of hiring 6 weeks ago because they were secured in a job, and their boss would never let them go willingly.  How times have changed.

Our rates can be tailored to your requirements and budget, providing us with a significant edge over other temp agencies. We offer competitive weekly or specially negotiated daily rates.

We know that every business is different, and we will work closely with you to find cost-effective recruitment solutions.  So, call us on 02 8416 4181 and we can find a solution for you.

Use the current situation to your advantage; hire a fantastic skilled casual today, try before you offer them a permanent role as when this dies down you will have a great resource and you have nothing to lose.