Navigating Job Interviews with Visible Tattoos

The Art of First Impressions: Navigating Job Interviews with Visible Tattoos

The popularity of tattoos has markedly increased in the last decade. However, the question remains – should you cover them for a job interview?

The answer would depend on the nature of the job, the company’s culture, and the industry norms. In more traditional or conservative industries, such as finance or law, it may be advisable to cover visible tattoos to present a polished and professional image. On the other hand, in industries like tech or creative fields, tattoos may be more accepted or even celebrated.

Research the Company

Before the interview, it’s essential to research the company’s culture and dress code. If you’re unsure, it’s generally safer to err on the side of caution and cover easily visible tattoos, especially if they could be perceived as distracting or inappropriate. If your tattoos are in easily concealable areas, such as the upper arms or back, you may have more flexibility in deciding whether to cover them.

If your tattoos are visible despite efforts to cover them, be prepared to answer questions about them if they come up during the interview.

Breaking Stereotypes

When addressing questions about tattoos during a job interview, it’s important to remain professional and positive.

  • Acknowledge the Tattoos: If asked, don’t be evasive. If your tattoos have personal or professional significance that you’re comfortable sharing, briefly explain. This can humanize you and show your openness.
  • Emphasise Professionalism: Emphasize that your tattoos do not impact your work performance or professionalism. Make it clear that you understand the importance of a professional appearance in the workplace.
  • Adaptability: Show willingness to adhere to company policies regarding tattoos. If necessary, mention your readiness to cover them during work hours if required.
  • Cultural Fit: If the company promotes diversity and inclusion, highlight how your tattoos reflect your individuality, which aligns with the company’s values.
  • Respect for Policies: Express your understanding and respect for the company’s policies and culture regarding tattoos.

Promote your Skills and Experience

Remember that you are attending the interview to present yourself in the best possible light and your goal is for the interview to focus on your qualifications and skills, not on your tattoos. In today’s workplace, tattoos are generally accepted as long as they are not offensive, unprofessional, or distracting.

Bear in mind that attitudes toward tattoos vary widely, and what’s acceptable in one workplace may not be in another. By addressing the topic of tattoos confidently and professionally, you can reassure potential employers that you are a suitable candidate who respects workplace norms.

Ultimately, it’s about presenting yourself in a way that aligns with the company’s values and expectations, while also allowing your skills and qualifications to shine.

Good luck!

Tattoos tell a story.  For more Interview Advice contact our professional team today on or 02 8416 4181.